In her work as a documentary photographer, Johanne Lila Larsen is fascinated by exploring the inner dynamics of what makes a family work. She draws on her education as a news reporter to approach every session as a chance to not just tell the story of what life looks like in that particular family – but to look at the broader perspectives that touch upon the lives of everyone, whether we are currently living with people or not: Life, death – and at the core of it all; love.
Johanne Lila Larsen’s work has been published in small newspapers and big photography magazines alike.
She hails from Denmark in the European north, and is awed and inspired by the strong tradition for documentary photography in her native Scandinavia.
Four years ago Johanne one-upped the famous Marie Kondo and Kon-Mari’ed not just her closets, but her entire home. She now lives as a nomad, very happily single, with no kids, and nothing but her ten kilo backpack.
This has presented her with the vantage point of seeing the world from a different perspective than is afforded to most, which she finds helpful when photographing – and challenging when living in societies set in traditional expectations. Which is pretty much all societies.
The blood in Johannes veins is not actually blood, but freshly brewed espresso coffee.
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